Children’s Sunday School

We offer childcare in our nursery at 9:00 and 11:00 am for infants and toddlers in room C127. Pagers are available for infants, toddlers and 2 year olds. If your child needs you during the worship service, the pager will vibrate. At that time, the parent is asked to come to their child's Sunday school room. For the protection of your children, only a parent can check children in or out of classes. Please notify the childcare staff of any information that is critical to the well being of your child, such as food allergies, medical conditions, or any other conditions. All information is completely confidential and known only to the necessary staff.

Childcare for Birth to 4 Year Olds
Offered during the 9:00 and 11:00 services. 

Sunday School for Kindergarten to 5th Grade
Only available during the 11:00 service. 

Special Needs Ministry
All children are welcome at Suncreek! Please inform us of any special needs your child has, which may include: allergies, asthma, epilepsy, hearing or vision impairments, learning differences or any mental, physical or emotional challenges. This information will remain confidential between the family, the teachers and Minister with Children.

Third Grade Bibles
Rising third grade children are presented with a new Bible on a Sunday in the Fall at the beginning of each school year. 

6th Graders and Parents of 6th Graders
On Sundays:
 - Cantate Youth Choir rehearsals from 4:30-5:30 p.m. 
 - “The Bridge”, a 6th Grade Bible study, will meet from 5:30-7:00 p.m. (would like to have a parental rotation of snack providers)
We are prayerful that this ministry will strengthen the 6th graders and prepare them as they continue on their spiritual journey. 
Please let us know if you have any questions or if you are able to help with the snack suppers, Sunday School or Bible Study.

7th Grade Confirmation
The journey of faith is like the journey of life…high points, bumps in the road, twists and turns. For those in 7th grade, Confirmation lays the foundations of faith that will be a building block for a life filled with purpose and passion. For more information about Suncreek Youth Click Here