Sunday Morning Services____

IN-PERSON at 9AM and 11AM  
The 9AM service offers a more relaxed, contemporary-style with modern worship music led by our praise band and our youth choir, Cantate.
The 11AM service is more traditional with hymns led by our adult Chancel Choir and organist.
Both services are in the sanctuary.


You will be able to view Sunday services live at 9AM or 11AM and anytime afterwards during the week.

SUNDAY COMMUNION - 1st Sunday of the month
We partake in the Lord's Supper as a church family every first Sunday of the month. We use the method of intinction where the participant takes the bread and dips it into the juice of a chalice held by the pastor. The participant then eats the moistened bread. Gluten-free options are available.

Wednesday Evening Communion____

7 p.m. in Room B109  VIEW CAMPUS MAP 
Pastor Milton Guttierrez offers communion every Wednesday night. All are welcome. If you have questions, email .

We look forward to seeing you Sunday!  We are excited about God's work in our midst and the opportunities for ministry that lay ahead. May God bless you and Suncreek as we continue to love and reach out in Jesus' name!