You can participate on Communion Sunday by taking communion at home as we lead the service online.
Below are some helpful instructions to help you prepare for this sacred service.
Communion (the Lord’s Supper) is an ordinance given to all believers by Jesus as a way for us to remember his sacrifice for us, to symbolize the new covenant, and to experience our communion and connection with one another and with Jesus Christ. Therefore, whenever we participate in this sacrament, we do so together with the whole body of Christ--past, present, and future. The elements of bread and wine/juice represent Christ’s broken body and shed blood. Communion is a sacrament, a holy mystery, through which God’s grace is offered to all people and works in us through the power of the Holy Spirit to form us in the image of Christ. |
- Purchase Grape Juice (8oz is plenty) and Bread or Baked Crackers
- We typically use Welch’s Grape Juice and King’s Hawaiian bread, but any brand or type is acceptable. A roll, mini loaf, or single slice of tortilla or pita will be plenty for most families.
- Ready your home worship space.
- Gather a special plate and cup for “serving” the elements and add them to your home altar.
- For communion Sunday, place all these items on your family dinner table, or the place where you gather most often for special meals.
- Be sure to dress for worship. Prepare your body & mind for worshipping God. Light the candle on your altar.
- Participate in our online worship service by standing (at the appropriate times), singing, confessing, and praying together with the gathered community.
- When sharing the bread, say “This is the body of Christ given for you.” When sharing the juice, say “This is the blood of Christ, the cup of salvation” (Or, for little children, we suggest “This is to remind you that Jesus loves you very much”)
- When you have finished receiving the elements, you may want to take a moment for personal prayer, then watch the remainder of the service in which we give thanks for this shared meal.
- Share With Us
- After worshipping online, snap a quick photo and share it with us on Facebook (tag “Suncreek Allen”) or UPLOAD IT HERE.
NOTE: The communion elements have been blessed and dedicated for God’s use. Therefore, if there are extras leftover, these should be consumed immediately or returned to the earth---the grape juice can be poured into the grass or around some flowers & the bread can be crumbled for the birds to enjoy.
When is Communion Served?
We celebrate the sacrament of Holy Communion monthly on the first Sunday of the month during Sunday Morning Worship. Communion is also offered in other settings. Sometimes Communion is offered at retreats, small group gatherings, weddings, and special worship services.
Who can Receive Communion?
The table of Holy Communion is Christ’s table, not the table of The United Methodist Church or of Suncreek UMC. It is open to all regardless of age or church membership. The table is open to anyone who seeks to respond to Christ’s love and seeks to lead a new life of peace and love.
A Note from Pastor Barry:
When I was a young church staffer, 19 or 20 years old, I had the opportunity to share communion for the first time. I remember how excited I was. I remember how scared I was. Most of all, I remember how overwhelming it was to lead the people in remembering the life, death and resurrection of Jesus through the sacrament. I’m glad that all these years later I have not gotten over that feeling. To look into your faces and proclaim that “you are forgiven” is a highlight of my life. To see how much the gift of cup and bread strengthen you as you face your lives with all its joys and sorrows, sickness and grief is a moving experience. To be reminded that as we share communion we do so within the communion of saints, with the loved ones who have gone before us in death, comforts my heart and inspires me to live as best I can. Communion Sunday is a monthly reminder that the term “church family” isn’t just a cliché. It is who we are to each other – all the time, everywhere. |