It's that time. Less than two weeks away from the 2021 Senior High Mission Trip.

Please make plans to join us for the High School Mission Trip meeting this Thursday, June 17th at 8:00 PM or next Monday, June 21st at 6:30. I need BOTH parents and youth to attend. We will sign covenants, go over packing lists, etc.

The cost of the mission trip is $600. Please make checks payable to Suncreek UMC and include Youth Mission Trip and your youth's name in the memo line.

You can also pay online using the link: https://onrealm.org/suncreekumc/-/give/youth 
Be sure to include your YOUTH'S NAME in the MEMO line.

Also, please use the form below to get t-shirt sizes to Ashley ASAP. 

Please let me know if you have any questions. I am currently on the Cantate trip, but will check email and texts throughout the day. We return Thursday, 6/17. We are looking forward to a great trip to San Antonio!

-Kimmi Cramer, .