Through our service of Maundy Thursday each year during Holy Week, we remember Jesus sharing his last meal with the disciples. From that night we draw the sacrament of Holy Communion. But before Jesus told them that the bread was his body and the wine his blood, he had shared the Passover meal with the 12 disciples. This meal is still reenacted by our Jewish brothers and sisters each year at Passover.

We have the wonderful opportunity to be led in this meal, called the Seder, by our own Ian Broff on Sunday, April 13th at 5:30 p.m. We will gather and share dinner, then share the seder meal. We will taste the foods that represent the experiences of the Jewish people in Egypt and the exodus. Ian will lead through the service and teach us about this important practice. This experience will enrich our understanding and celebration the following Thursday evening at the Maundy Thursday service at 7:00 p.m.

We need everyone to RSVP so that we can make preparations for both dinner and the Seder meal. This is for all ages.

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