There is an extraordinary ripple effect going on within Suncreek and beyond. We see it in the faces of our families and friends; in our small study groups and service projects; in our children and youth; in those around us that have impacted our lives; in the music that fills our hearts and the way God uses us to pour into the hearts of others through mission. The buildings, facilities and resources that we love so much are all the results of someone’s extravagant generosity – their investment in Suncreek’s future. What will yours be?
What is Ripple Effect about?
Ripple Effect is our theme for Stewardship this year. It’s a way for us to reflect on the extraordinary life of Suncreek and how our programs and ministries impact ourselves, our families, the community and the world.
That’s cool, but what’s that got to do with Stewardship?
All of the machinery that makes Suncreek run – from facilities through people and resources – is supported by an operational budget. Just like a business. Every year, we invite Suncreek members to commit to regularly give money to fund our budget and make it possible for us to continue God’s work in this community, and beyond.
If I want to regularly give money, how does that work?
So that we can plan for the year ahead, we ask that you fill out a Commitment Card with the amount that you’re committed to give for 2015. The Commitment Card has options to help you figure out the schedule that suits you best – perhaps you would like to give on a weekly or monthly basis. All you have to do is fill in the numbers. A great way to keep up with your ongoing commitment, is to do it online. Check the box on the card that sends “Please send me information about Automatic Online Giving”, and we’ll take care of that for you.
If I’m giving for the first time, how do I work out where to start?
Start with prayer. God calls us to give in a way that represents our first and best offering – the Bible talks about setting a goal of a “tithe”, which is 10%. This is about taking a first step towards that, so consider your annual income and land on a percentage that works for you, whether it’s less than 10%, 10% or more than 10%. Allow God to lead you in a spirit of generosity.
If I’m already giving, I’ll keep it the same as last year, right?
Your contributions undergird the life of Suncreek, and we believe that God has a vision for us to lean into the areas of ministry where we’re already strong:
Prayerfully consider increasing the percentage you already give towards the tithe (10%) or beyond. Take a further plunge into the joy of generosity.
When will I get my Commitment Card and how do I deliver the completed card back to Suncreek?
You will receive a “Ripple Effect” letter by mail this week with an enclosed Commitment Card. Please bring the completed card to worship on October 26 (Commitment Sunday). There will be a time during all three services to hand in your card. And don’t worry if you forget to bring your card with you, ushers will be on hand to give you another one! If you’re not able to come to worship on Commitment Sunday, please drop your Commitment Card off at the church office any time that suits you.
What if my circumstances change and I’m not able to fulfill my commitment?
We understand that life moves quickly and that a financial commitment that makes sense now may not in six months’ time, for whatever reason. You can call the church office atany time to revise your commitment of giving.
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