As you may have heard by now, I will be resigning my position here at Suncreek with my final day being Sunday, October 11. This has all transpired relatively quickly and I'd like to give you some of the background on that.
A couple of weeks ago, Taylor Davis, who many of you know as a longtime friend of mine and composer of music we have sung, asked me to meet him for lunch. What I thought was going to be a time of catching up on each others' lives turned into something that completely caught me off guard. Taylor shared that he had just been hired by St Andrew UMC in Plano as their new director of music which is a huge deal for him and for that church. He then shared that he is building his music staff from the ground up and wants me to join to work along side of him. After my initial shock, we began to talk details and I was very excited about the possibilities of joining with Taylor on this new venture. We talked off and on for several days and agreed upon a job that would have me working with Taylor with adults and youth and then specifically for me, a position of creative director of traditional worship. On Tuesday, September 8th, I met with the SPRC of St Andrew and yesterday evening, I received an offer which I accepted.
As excited as I am about this new position, I didn't make this decision lightly and am already feeling some of the angst that comes with saying goodbye to people I care so deeply about. We've not only been in ministry together but we've shared in each others' lives that has spanned from deep sorrow to unbridled joy. God has truly blessed us in this time and for that I will always be grateful.
I look forward to conversation as you are willing and remain faithfully committed to you in these final weeks.
Phillip Haworth
Reception for Phillip
Help us give a proper farewell to Phillip Haworth on Sunday, October 11th after the 11:00 service. A box for farewell cards will be available in the narthex.