1. Prepare for your prayer. Get comfortable. Take a few moments to center yourself through slow, relaxed breathing. Open to God’s presence and Spirit, offering yourself to Christ, then ask for God’s grace and guidance as you meditate on the Biblical text. 2. Read and receive the story as if you are hearing it for the first time. Read the passage aloud, noting the physical place (setting), the characters (human and divine) and the events taking place. Close your eyes and let the scene begin to take shape in your imagination, filling in details not provided by the scriptural text. What can you see, taste, smell, touch, and hear? Allow yourself to become immersed your surroundings. You might consider: Are you in ancient times or modern times? In the city, a desert, or small village? What people are present and how are they dressed? What time of day is it? How does the weather feel? What are the people doing? 3. Continue allowing the scene to unfold, now paying attention to the interactions between the characters. Notice how each character responds to what is happening around them. As you watch their body language & hear their words, try to discover what each person is thinking and feeling. 4. Allow yourself to enter the scene as a participant, directly experiencing what is going on around you. Where do you find yourself in the story? Engage conversation with the other people who are there. PAY CLOSE ATTENTION TO YOUR OWN INNER THOUGHTS AND FEELINGS. How is your body responding? Reflect on any insights you receive or questions you have in conversation with Jesus. Share with Him your joy, sorrow, confusion, or whatever feelings or thoughts came up as you encountered the story. Ask the Jesus to help you notice any connections with or implications for any current situations in your own life. Listen for Jesus’ response to you. 5. When there is no more to say or hear, allow yourself to enter into a time of simple rest with God. Be sure to close your prayer with thanksgiving for spending this time with God and for any insights or blessings you may have received. |