Become aware of God’s presence & Ask God for light. Settle into your prayer time…take a few deep breaths and notice how God is already present to you . Ask Christ to help you see your day through God’s eyes. Review your day with Gratitude. Allow yourself to be guided by the Holy Spirit as you reflect upon your day hour by hour or event by event. Notice all that happened: who you interacted with & how you responded. Celebrate those moments where you notice God’s love for you or where you were loving towards others. Give God thanks for all the good things (even the simple, little things) that came into your day. Pay attention to your emotions & Face your shortcomings. Notice how you responded internally in each moment. Reflect on your thoughts, feelings, and desires. Acknowledge any times when you may have made God sad. Did you ignore or forget God? Do you wish you’d responded differently to someone? Confess your sins & tell God you are sorry for what is wrong. **Hear Christ’s response of forgiveness: “I know that, and I still love you.” Choose 1 feature of the day and pray from that. Listen for the ONE way in which Christ is inviting you to growth, healing, or transformation. Ask God for the specific grace you need. Hope. Imagine how your life will be different if that grace is granted. Who and How do you want to be in the day ahead? Close your prayer time by resting in the quiet of God’s presence. |