Alive in Christ! Love God, Love People, and be a Voice of Hope
Global Ministries
Operacion Abrigo in Juarez, Mexico
Suncreek UMC has been involved in the ministry of Operacion Abrigo (formerly Proyecto Abrigo) in Mexico since 2002. In that time we have taken numerous youth, college, adult and family trips to build over forty five homes. Proyecto Abrigo means "project shelter".
The teams build cinder block homes to replace the cardboard and wood pallet homes that families are using for shelter. The project was started by Reverend Jose Luis Portillo. This is a life changing ministry for the families that receive the homes and the team members that have the honor to bless them with their new home.
Each home costs $3,600. Your support of this ministry through donations, prayers and service is greatly appreciated. Email .
ZOE Ministry in Kenya
Suncreek United Methodist Church began partnering with the ZOE ministry in July 2010 by sponsoring a working group through the Giving Hope Empowerment Project.
Every 14 seconds a child is orphaned in Africa due to the HIV/AIDS pandemic. As a result, many orphaned children are raising their brothers and sisters. In response, ZOE Ministry shares the Love of Christ and gives hope to vulnerable children in Zimbabwe, Zambia, Kenya, and Rwanda through the Giving Hope Empowerment Project. This program includes training in farming, animal husbandry, vocational skills, income-generating activities, HIV/AIDS education, health and hygiene. With in 2-3 years, this program frees these orphans from poverty and dependency.
The core focus of Giving Hope is to empower orphans and child-led families to become self sufficient so they will not require lifelong assistance from outside relief programs. This program centers around Community-Building and Empowering Lives in order to bring the children back into both their local communities and into the loving, nurturing body of Christ.
Communion Offerings Suncreek UMC designates mission beneficiaries for the monthly communion offering. Persons donate by leaving a gift at the altar rail when they come forward to take communion. Past communion offerings have benefited Florida Hurricane Relief, Dallas Ramps, ZOE Ministries, English Camp in the Czech Republic and more.
Cell Phones for Soldiers Suncreek missions collect used cell phones to help support our American soldiers through the ministry of Cell Phones for Soldiers. Please recycle your cell phones by bringing them to the mission bins located in the church narthex. Cell phones for Soldiers sell your used phones and then use the money to purchase phone cards for our troops. To a military family, a phone call home is priceless. Cell Phones for Soldiers addresses an everyday emotional need that everyone has experienced: the need to call home, to hear a familiar voice while far away. Please help our troops stay connected by donating your used cell phones today.